Home. Family. Community.
A safe and affordable home is out of reach for more than 15 million American families. We’re working to change that. HAI Group is proud to sponsor helpful and illuminating research via PAHRC, the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation. PAHRC gives people who care the data they need to create and preserve affordable homes in their communities. PAHRC helps researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and advocates build evidence-based cases for why affordable housing matters. Right now, the housing shortage is affecting every state in the nation, as well as Americans across a wide range of incomes: veterans, people with disabilities, working parents, college graduates entering the workforce, and citizens near or at retirement age. Many over-arching factors are contributing to this shortage. Yet, community by community, change is possible. And change starts with data.
Our Work
Affordable homes are the building blocks of vibrant communities. Both public and affordable housing provide stability to families and communities, lead to better education and health outcomes, improve economic mobility for the lowest-income residents, and protect our most vulnerable citizens–including children, older adults, and those with disabilities. Through industry collaboration and research, PAHRC helps to demonstrate the value and impact of affordable housing.

The National Housing Preservation Database helps stakeholders understand the inventory of affordable homes in their area, the number of properties whose affordability is expiring, and the opportunities for development.

The Affordable Housing Preservation Toolkit helps local affordable housing advocates and planners understand their affordable housing inventory, assess preservation risks, and develop strategies to enhance local preservation efforts.

Our Research tracks trends in public and affordable housing, populations these programs serve, service partnerships, development strategies, equity initiatives, and other emerging solutions to close the affordable housing gap.

The Neighborhood Opportunity Search Tool provides community data on educational opportunity, job access, health outlook, and transit access as well as neighborhood desirability and neighborhood change.

Our information-rich Maps detail which areas in your region are primed for development opportunity, and which are more prone to weather-related disasters. You can also find detailed information on sustainability, cost-saving practices, and the potential impacts of expanded rental assistance on local economies.
Help Us Inform Housing Policies That Help People Thrive
Every day, people struggle to afford a decent home that can serve as a platform to meet their family’s needs. We work to bring these struggles to light and to provide research that points the way to solutions.