PHAs are key players in addressing the intersection of housing and health. Health Starts at Home: A National Snapshot of Public Housing Authorities' Health Partnerships finds that half of PHAs are engaged in at least one health initiative, almost all in partnership with the health sector. This webinar will discuss health initiatives taking place at PHAs across the country and strategies PHAs can adopt to better serve their community with cross-sector partnerships

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of the state of the field in terms of PHA health initiatives and partnerships.
  • Learn about efforts taking place at housing agencies across the country.
  • Identify strategies that may work for your agency to help create or expand efforts at your PHA.
  • Learn from PHAs engaged in health initiatives.


  • Steve Lucas, Health Research and Policy Manager, Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA)
  • Keely Stater, Director of Research and Industry Intelligence, Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC)
  • Kelly McElwain, Research Analyst III, PAHRC